Transgender & Beggary, as understood in common parlance, pertains to certain marginalized population groups requiring protection as well as care and support through systematically organized efforts both by the Government and society. Transgender & Beggary issues such as Substance Abuse Prevention, Old Age Care, Beggary Prevention, Transgender welfare etc are a matter of great concern. Therefore, these sections of society require immediate and suitable intervention.
The issue of beggary is more of social, and needs to be handled accordingly. Systematic training/sensitization programmes for the concerned state officials and NGO partners on beggary prevention play a vital role in working towards the eradication of this social evil.
The transgender community is another marginalized group, which requires basic security measures such as food, clothing, shelter, education and health, and employment. Our Ministry has initiated the development work with a view to safeguarding the rights of these groups. The problems of the transgender community are multi-dimensional and hence, a multi-pronged strategy is required to handle this issue. Education, skill development training programmes on different trades for this community will help them in their employment and self -employment.
The division trains/sensitizes the Govt./NGOs/Panchayat/Police functionaries and Social Work professionals on Transgender & Beggary issues through its comprehensive national-level one-month programmes and three-day short-term state-level programmes.
The basic aim of the Division is to establish links with the State Social Welfare Departments and institutions working in the field of Transgender & Beggary for imparting training to stakeholders/service providers.
The target group of the Division is officials of concerned State Social Welfare Departments, middle-level functionaries of State Police Departments, lecturers, readers and field work supervisors of social work Institutions, NGO functionaries, social workers, panchayat functionaries and research scholars.
The following Training and Capacity-Building Programmes are conducted by the division:
• A comprehensive one-month Certificate Course on Transgender & Beggary issues is organised for the Govt /NGO and Panchayat functionaries.
• Three-Day Training Programme for Government/ NGO/ Panchayat functionaries on Transgender & Beggary Issues
• Three-Day Training Programme for the functionaries of Police Dept. on Transgender & Beggary Issues
• Three-Day Regional-Level Training Programmes on Transgender & Beggary Issues for Social Work Professionals
• Three-Day Programme on Specialized Care for children affected by substance abuse for concerned Govt. /NGO functionaries.
• Five-day training programme on counselling skills for stakeholders in the field of Transgender & Beggary.
• Three-day state-level training programme on Beggary Prevention for Govt./NGO functionaries.
• National-level seminars and workshops.
• Sub-group and expert meetings on beggary prevention and transgender welfare.
Proposals are invited from eligible Institutes/Departments/ Universities/colleges/Organistaions/ NGOs/CBOs. Click Here
Proposals on skill development training programs for Transgender Persons from eligible institutions are invited.
Format of Training Proposal Click Here